Important Information:
- LastStands Reborn will be located on
Malboro Server
- We are a Free Company dedicated towards endgame content
Hey there! There are a couple of steps when it comes to applying and being accepted into LastStands Reborn.
1. Fill out the application as best you can.
2. Be honest with yourself and with us!
3. Stay active! Be in our Vent server or posting on the forums. Regardless of when you put an application in, an active recruit will be noticed above the rest.
The recruitment process is as follows:
1. Application review
2. Application consideration
3. Final consideration and officer vote. (This will typically take one to three days)
4. Acceptance or Denial. The application will have the final result posted in response on your application topic and edited with Accepted/Denied.
With that said, here are some tips to help you along the way:
Do not flame other Free Companies or Players. (Don't do it)
2. Check your spelling!
3. Take a moment with your responses, while many of the questions can be answered with a simple yes or no, feel free to elaborate.
You must be logged into Guildwork in order to apply and/or view your application status.