MarAuDer Default replied

608 weeks ago

Hello, I'm Mar Au'der, your friendly neighborhood meat shield. I talk the beating so squishy little dd's don't have to. If you can heal, we're besties…seriously…for life. I'm pretty friendly and plenty derpy. Basically, everyone loves me, be it love or love to hate.

I've been playing games since I was a wee baby, and I've been play MMOs for about 10 years, not including text based games. I dabble in tabletop RPGs, board games, video games and card games. I love the social aspect with MMOs the most. I like working together with others and contributing to the team.

Say "hi" sometime, I don't bite.

Mar Au'der aka Hewwo.

MarAuDer Default replied

608 weeks ago

A quick note, well two quick notes.

One: That was supposed to be "take the beating," not "talk the beating." My phone decided talk was the appropriate word…smart phone eh?

Two: Don't let the character pic fool you. While my character is a huge badass highlander lady, I am, in fact, a dude.

last edited 608 weeks ago by MarAuDer

MarAuDer Default replied

607 weeks ago

So, I was going to make a Warrior, but low the Gods have deemed another path for me. So, with a bow strung and a song sung, Bard I shall be. Most likely my name shall be Anesi Elseri aka The Archer Formerly Known as Mar Au'der. There it is, even though I shall always have the Warrior spirit, I must pewpew.
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