This is a gaming community and while the goal is to always have fun, we do expect a certain level of maturity.
With that said, here are the rules of conduct you will be expected to abide by during your stay with us:
Harassment and bullying is not to be tolerated within the company; gentle teasing however is fine. - On a serious note, if you are having problems with another member then please feel free to talk to an officer in confidence.
Beggars, freeloaders and whiners will not be tolerated and will find their stay with us a short one. -With the above in mind, please don't feel obliged to lend or give anyone materials or gil unless you know the person well.
The goal of this Free Company is to establish a solid foundation and build from there. If you are going to have a prolonged absence from the game make sure to let someone know before you leave or you may find yourself removed.
Whilst there is a lot of adult humor, we do still like to keep the chat relatively clean and welcoming.
Try to limit l33t speak please, we all went to school for a reason.
Remember, the dragons might not be real but the people most definitely are. Please be decent to each other.
Cravoc Lucerne Admin replied
602 weeks ago